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Fakuma returns to Friedrichshafen, Germany, this month, from October 13 to 17, and it promises to be a stellar event. Exhibition space has been sold out since February 2015, and show organizers anticipate record attendance numbers.Several exhibitors will be showcasing new developments in materials, plastics processing technologies, and machinery and auxiliary equipment. These five firsts caught our attention.We will have plenty more news for you in a few days, when PlasticsToday reports from the event. Stay tuned!Making LSR molding chic Now you see it . . . now you see it again, but differently. To demonstrate the processing benefits of its Silopren liquid silicone rubber (LSR), Momentive (Waterford, NY) will mold an elegant and complex protective carrier for bottles on an electric Engel machine at the Engel booth (A4/4307). In a world first, the award-winning design also will be used in a virtual LSR molding demo at the Sigma Engineering (Aachen, Germany) booth (A5/5105).The bottle carrier application from CVA Silicone (Saint-Vidal, France) is designed to showcase the consistency and processability of Silopren LSR 2670.
Momentive will run an electrical e-mac 100 injection molding machine with integrated e-pic handling system supplied by Engel. The part’s intricate geometry requires a material with precise flow and cure properties. The carrier, which is named Ursula in honor of the very first Bond girl, has received a design award at the Biennale du Design Français.Ursula will also appear at the Sigma Engineering booth, where she will participate in what the company is calling the first-ever virtual LSR molding demo at Fakuma. The company, which is specialized in rheological and thermal simulation software, will reveal in its demo how the complex shape of the Ursula part is actually filling and crosslinking.Momentive has begun populating the Sigmasoft database with a variety of standard and specialty LSRs.
These database additions will be available with the next major update in November 2015. This update will help the global user base to better predict processing behavior and optimize mold design prior to manufacturing, says Momentive. Momentive materials also will be showcased at the Elmet booth (A5 5306), where Silopren LSR 2670 will be used to mold beer coasters, and at the Dr. Boy booth, where Silopren LSR 2750 is used to add soft-touch elements to a screwdriver. The application at the Elmet booth also includes a first for Fakuma: Closed-loop, controlled color injectionin the injection molder’s dosing system. The innovation controls and documents the real amount of color or additive in the material, says Momentive, which is especially beneficial to medical device manufacturers.
Read Full Article: Five Firsts at FakumaPlastics Today