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CVA Silicone -“Se développe grâce au soutien” by Rhone-Alpes Auvergne Region.

CVA Silicone -“Se développe grâce au soutien” by Rhone-Alpes Auvergne Region.

21 JAN, 2019

The Rhone-Alpes Auvergne Region have recognized CVA Silicone as the “Se développe grâce au soutien” and decided to give support to the productive investments of CVA Silicone’s innovative production process, as being a part of the Industry of the Future approach.


On 18th of January 2019, eleven managers of the most influential companies of the department have been invited to the premises of CVA Silicone in Saint-Vidal to sign a partnership agreement.

"The digital thinking and the digital evolution are at the heart of CVA’s Silicone strategy for improving our competitiveness in order of stimulating growth, increasing jobs, and moving faster towards Industry 4.0. I strongly believe that together we can make a difference, together we can help others." – Nicolas OTERNAUD, Chairman and Head of Innovation at CVA Silicone


CVA Silicone is now part of the selective industrial club designed by Auvergne Rhone Alpes Region.

Being member of that so called “Advanced Factory” or “Industry 4.0” league, what does it mean concretely?

It means especially:
✓  Integration of digital technologies in manufacturing processes
✓  Simultaneous transitions: energetic, ecological, digital and organizational
✓  Connection at all levels: products, men, equipment and objects
✓  The production lines are connected through a fully integrated digital channel
✓  Our organization is based on a well-established supply chain, understood and integrated lean practices

Read more about the “Industrial factories of the future”.